Every Color Comes in Green, The process of making this eco-friendly product stops over 270 million pounds of trash from entering landfills every year. Conserve resources for the future.
True Blue, ModernView Decking is backed by over 20 years of composite manufacturing experience and uniquely constructed with encapsulation technology to allow for direct ground or water contact.

Recommended Fasteners

ModernView Decking recommends the use of a 2 ¼" #7 stainless steel trim head screw. We recognized that for face screwing applications you may want to have a screw that matches the appearance of our deck board. For more information about each of these products, please click on the logos below.


Face Screw Application
TrimTop Stainless Steel Coated Trim Screw

Color Match  
Slate Pewter
Auburn Mahogany
Amber Cobre
Java Morado



CAP-TOP capstock and composite screws

Color Match  
Slate Gray
Auburn Brown
Amber Cedar
Java Brown



Hidden Fasteners

ModernView Decking is compatible with most hidden fastener systems. Hidden deck fasteners produce a smooth nail-free surface to emphasize the beauty of the deck. Constructed from high strength steel, boards stay tight while strength and durability are assured. With hidden deck fasteners, you can create a better looking, longer lasting, safer deck at an affordable price.  Click the logos below to get more information.

Mantis Deck Clip System


TigerClaw Hidden Deck Fasteners



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